High rise residential buildings have many complex plumbing needs and one of them is Kitec Pipe replacement. From common piping to the systems in place for each unit, there are plenty of components that need regular service in order to avoid an interruption in the supply of water to the hundreds or even thousands of people who call these buildings home.
At Aquazen Services, we specialize in high rise and Kitec plumbing services. We can assist both unit owners and property managers with their various needs, and even offer 24 hours, 7 days per week availability to handle emergencies.
A cornerstone of good condo plumbing is conducting regular and thorough preventative maintenance, especially for Kitec pipes. Property managers often have careful budgets that they must follow while still providing quality services to residents. We understand and can help these managers and their board of directors save thousands on Kitec replacement plumbing repairs and maintenance.
Underlying all of our services is a strong dedication to innovation and effectiveness in the plumbing industry. We can assist both unit owners and property managers with their various Kitec replacement plumbing needs, and even offer Toronto and the GTA a reliable emergency plumbing:24 hour, 7 days a week.