Plumbing is an integral aspect in any construction or renovation project. From the correct positioning of pipes to the proper connections, it’s incredibly important to get it right the first time, and to work with current configurations.
Of course, complications can arise in any new build or renovation. Whether it’s deteriorated older pipes in renovations, or incorrect configurations in new builds, technicians trained in pipelining can help resolve some of your construction woes.
With the influx of new builds springing up in Toronto’s suburbs in recent years, the plethora of homeowners looking to renovate out-of-the-box constructions to better suit their needs is on the rise.
In Richmond Hill alone, the population increased by 235% from 1986 (48,590) to 2006 (169,500). According to Statistics Canada and research by the Town of Richmond Hill, it’s expected that in 2016, the population now sits at 216,900.
The incredible impact this has on the existing water main infrastructure is astounding, but ageing pipes can easily be repaired using pipelining in Richmond Hill.
Common Renovation Plumbing Problems
You’ve just started demolition on your mid-century townhome and as you swing that sledgehammer, you bring it down through the plaster and strike a pipe.
One of the biggest problems in renovations is that you may have no idea what’s behind the walls that you’re tearing down until you’ve actually started ripping them apart.
As specialists in pipelining, we’ve seen some of the most common problems that can pop up during renovations and know just how to deal with them.
- Working off an old set of prints
- Bad soil Located near the Oak Ridges Moraine, Richmond Hill soil is quite rich and moist, however, the majority of it is clay, which can swell with water and get incredibly dry during dry seasons. This puts a lot of strain on your pipes. Expansive clay soils absorb water molecules and expand and conversely shrink, leaving large voids in the soil. This creates cyclical shrink and swell behaviour in your soil and extends deeper than you may be aware of. This in turn damages your pipes as they are pressured into contracting and expanding depending on how damp or dry the soil in the area is.If you’ve recently moved into a home in Richmond Hill and think your pipes are suffering from bad soil you should have professionals come take a look to ensure that your pipelining in Richmond Hill isn’t being negatively impacted by damp or dry soil.
- 3.Tree roots Bad soil isn’t the only natural problem that can damage your pipes. Tree roots can impact the condition of your pipes as well. The Town of Richmond Hill is predominantly urban, at 65%. Of this area, 17% of forested areas still exist, and tree roots are the most silent killers of your underground pipe systems. If during renovation, you’ve discovered that tree or bush roots are strangling your system, you should immediately get a plumber to ensure that there are no pinhole leaks and consider trenchless pipelining in Richmond Hill to avoid further damage.
Repipe your system now while you’ve already torn down a couple walls
If your walls are already torn down, you may want to consider pipelining to strengthen your system and combat pipeline troubles caused by what’s underneath the surface.
The suburbs across the GTA are changing since buyers are now wealthier and looking to customize newly built homes or renovate ones they’re purchasing. Since Richmond Hill is a fairly new neighbourhood compared to other suburbs in the GTA, many neighbourhoods in the area are cookie-cutter neighbourhoods. Cookie-cutter homes, or tract housing, is used to describe houses on streets that are identical: they have the same layout, are equally spaced apart, same landscaping and backyards.
Residents of these neighbourhoods, as well as those making new property purchases, often decide to renovate these identical homes and customize them. During this renovation process, owners may find deep-rooted issues with pipelining and other quality issues with the property.
With tract housing developments, builders emphasize quantity over quality. Since high quality materials aren’t a priority, pipes may corrode quicker, walls may be less sturdy and foundations could have been be poorly laid.
These are just some of the issues you may come across after you decide to renovate a home in Richmond Hill. This is why it’s extremely important to ensure that you pay attention to your pipes and see if they’re leaking, structurally weak or simply poorly planned.
While you’re customizing your home in Richmond Hill and the walls are already torn down, it might save you a lot of trouble to have professionals come in and evaluate the state of your piping systems before you complete construction.
If you come across pipelining issues during the construction or renovation of your home, you may want to consider trenchless pipelining solutions as opposed to complete re-piping. They can save you time, renovation costs and can save your landscaping. Whether you’ve already discovered a pipe leak or want to consult a professional to assess the state of your pipes, Canadian Pipe Lining Technologies can help. We can help determine the problems and offer you solutions including trenchless pipe lining for your home in Richmond Hill.